Adulthood pics

Adults can be defined as animals or human beings who have completed their growth and development. Adults are a social concept and a legal one in our world. Legally mature means that a person attains the age of maturity and can be defined as independent, self sufficient, and responsible. They may also be regarded as a "major". The age when a child becomes an adult legally is 18, however, the definition of legal maturity is different based on the legal or country system as well as the state of their mental health.

Adulthood is the time in human life when an individual has reached maturity both in physical and mental development. Adulthood is typically considered to begin at age 20 or 21. The middle age is around 40 years before being followed by an old age of about 60. The adulthood process is split into three stages: early adulthood (18-mid-30s), mid-30s-mid-60s, then late adulthood from mid-60s up to end of life. As we enter early adulthood we have reached the fullest physical maturation. However, our height and our weight can increase. When we reach early adulthood, our physical abilities reach their maximum. This includes muscle strength as well as reaction speed.

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